Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Badminton Tournament organized by the Diploma in Business & Diploma in Marketing Students of the School of Business and Accounting (SOBA)

On Saturday 19th October 2013, the DBA and DIM students of the subject Principles of Marketing conducted a badminton tournament at a private badminton hall at Lot 9 Jalan 13/6, Section 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya under the supervision of their class lecturer Ms Tamil Selvi. This task was part of their class assignment which contributed to 50% of the total assessment. The tournament was opened to students and staff of Stamford College Petaling Jaya and also to some of their invited guests. Amongst the staff who had participated were the College’s Chief Financial Officer Mr Leong Kam Soon and his executive Mr Yogeswaran, the Coordinator of the UEL business programmes at SOBA Ms Haema Sukumaran, the administrator/lecturer at the Accounting Department of SOBA Ms Clovie Poh, the LIC of the A-Levels programme Mr Eng Fwu Ji and his lecturers Dr Cheng and Ms Khong. The School of Computing & IT was represented by Mr Xavier and Billings, Admission & Records by Mr Alex Lee.

As with other badminton tournaments, the participants competed in the singles and doubles categories for both men and women, and in the mixed doubles. Medals were awarded to the champion, the first runner-up and the second runner-up for each category by Mr Robert Cheong, the Head of SOBA.

Overall, the organising committee did a very good job in running a successful tournament and this experience gave confidence to the committee members in taking on bigger projects in future.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Civic Responsibilities of Students in Tertiary Education

Stamford College welcomed a very special guest, Datin Panduka Marina Mahathir on the 26th September 2013 to give a talk on Civic Responsibilities of Students in Tertiary Education.  The event was attended by Stamford College students from both Petaling Jaya and Melaka campuses. Datin Marina highlighted the things that the younger generation need to do more, such as being aware of the latest news that impact our society, familiarizing ourselves with our national constitution, upgrading ourselves through acquiring new skills, getting a tertiary education and many more. She shared several inspirational stories of how others have done their part in creating a change in the lives of others, namely a young entrepreneur providing English lessons in Bangladesh to the poor children living in the slums who have limited access to proper education under the organisation named Jaago. Datin Marina also touched on a local non-government organisation, StArt which provides various artistic programmes for underprivileged children with the aim of rebuilding their self-esteem. She encouraged the young audience to be more proactive in initiating change in their environment and not be afraid to practise their rights as Malaysians.  

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Teachers’ Day Celebration 2013

The School of Secretarial and Administrative Studies (SOSAS) Club of Stamford College Malacca organised a Teachers’ Day Celebration on 13 to 16 May 2013. The Project Manager for the event was Baljot Kaur Thind, a DES Semester Three student and she was assisted by her committee members. The students arranged for some dedication souvenirs to lecturers, followed by a tele-match between lecturers, staff and students on 15 May 2013. All the schools of SCM fully supported the event by sending a team each. The games for the tele-match were Poison Balloons, Spoilt Telephone, Delicious Food and Red Rover. During the closing ceremony on 16 May 2013, representatives from each school were given an opportunity to express their respect, love and appreciation for their lecturers through presentation of speeches, poem recitations and songs. This meaningful event ended with a word of appreciation from the Principal to all staff of SCM.

SOSAS members with Principal of SCM, Mr KN Samy, 
lecturers and staff of SCM

Yummy yummy glorious food

Tele-match between students and lecturers

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mother’s Day Celebration 2013

On Tuesday, 14 May 2013, the Hospitality Management Club of SCM organized a Mother’s Day Celebration at the SCM Lecture Theatre. All SCM staff, Hospitality Management students along with students from other schools were involved in this week-long event. It started off with poem reciting competition, speech competition, best photo competition and dedication of flowers and bookmarks. We had a closing ceremony at the end of the week. The closing ceremony started with a speech from the Project Manager, President of Student Council and the Deputy Principal of SCM. Students’ parents were interviewed and introduced to the audience. Prizes were presented to the winners of all the competitions. The event ended with a cake cutting and photo session. Everyone enjoyed the celebration.

Mother's Day committee members preparing for the closing ceremony

Mothers and future mothers of SCM

Sunday, May 12, 2013

DCA Trip to Port Dickson

On 27 April 2013, the Diploma in Corporate Administration Club organised a 2-day trip to Mayang Sari Resort Port Dickson from 11 to 12 May 2013. A total of 4 lecturers and 26 students participated. They left SCM at 10.45am and arrived at the location at around 12.00 noon. All the students had a good time and enjoyed themselves in water polo, beach games, Banana Boat and barbeque activity at night.

Mayang Sari Resort, Port Dickson

Look, who is buried next to me?

Yummy Yummy BBQ 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Treasure Hunt Event

On 27 April 2013, the Diploma in Corporate Administration Club organised a Treasure Hunt which included several activities such as Station Games and outdoor and indoor games. The games also incorporated a brainstorming and team-building skills session which emphasised on enhancing the students’ problem solving abilities. The event started with an outdoor activity which took place at 8.30 am at Menara Taming Sari, Melaka. At 12.30 pm, all the participants moved to Stamford College Malacca (SCM) for lunch prepared by the organiser. The event then continued at 2.00 pm, with some indoor activities that went up to 6.30 pm. The event ended with dinner, followed a prize giving ceremony at the SCM lobby.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Secretaries’ Week 2013

The School of Secretarial and Administrative Studies (SOSAS) Club of Stamford College Malacca successfully organised a Secretaries’ Week from 22 to 26 April 2013. The purpose of this event is to show appreciation of the hard work and sacrifices of the dedicated administrative Staff of Stamford College Malacca. Various activities were organised in conjunction with the event, such as, Office Arrangement, Dancing Fingers, New Words Rebuild, Grooming and Office Attire, Tricky Tongue Twister and Word Chain. A very informative talk titled “Preparation for a Job Interview” was presented by Mr. Noel Pillai, Business Consultant Development from Carjen Food Sdn. Bhd., during the closing ceremony on 26 April 2013.

Monday, April 15, 2013

UEL Week

From 8 to 14 April 2013, the International Business Club (BAIB) of Stamford College Malacca organized a UEL Week which included several activities such as Innovation Creation, Debate Competition, Essay Writing Competition, SPCA Charity Drive and also Team Building activity at Lendu El-Sanctuary. The event started with the Debate competition. The debate was held on 8 April 2013 at 10.30 am in the Lecture Theatre. On 9 April 2013, students were given an essay topic to write on the spot. On 10 April 2013, students and lecturers went to SPCA Malacca to clean and care for the Lendu animals and collected some funds for SPCA. On 13 April 2013, the BAIB club members went to El-Sanctuary, Malacca, for a team building activity. On 15 April 2013, students participated in the Innovation Creation activity for which they were given a sum of RM 50 to create a new product and present it to the Judges.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Charity visit to the Myanmar Refugee Learning Centre

The Myanmar Refugee Learning Centre (MRLC) located in Jalan Cheras was very much in the hearts of the A Level students since January this year. Knowing the plight of these 105 students and teachers, they were moved to do something about it. With this in mind they began preparation for Biz Week 4 and their visit to MRLC. The theme of the entire project was “It is great to be blessed but it is better to be a blessing”.

A group photo before going to MRLC

The A Level students put their heads together and ran a week of sales of various items and began collecting an array of food items and clothes for the children and their families. After much effort, we were able to raise RM1,400 in cash and around 45 boxes of food and personal items.

On 13 April 2013, 40 Stamford students and staff made their way to MRLC to share their love with them. It was a day filled with fun and excitement as we spent half the day with songs, dances, games and lunch. Our students’ eyes were opened to the reality and plight of the refugees from Myanmar and their journey towards a better life. After our visit to MRLC, we then made our way to three homes where we presented the families with gifts.

MRLC singing their Myanmar song to welcome us

The competition “passing the rubber band”
between our students and MRLC children

She is the winner for the musical chair game

Dr Cheng and A Level Club’s President,
Kok Yan Yee presenting a cheque to the
Principal, Ms May Kow

Many hearts were touched by this event and their lives were changed forever.
It was a day of forgetting ourselves and loving those who needed to be loved and blessing those who desired to be blessed. The purpose of the entire trip was to help people understand that we should use our lives to touch others and in the process be touched as well. It is great to be blessed but it is better to be a blessing.

A group photo of MRLC with our students and staff

Visitors from Qinhuangdao Experimental High School

The Principal, Mr Mu Dongbao, the Foreign Affairs Director, Mr Jin Yumin and the Director, Mr Pei Chunfu from Qinhuangdao Experimental High School, China, visited Stamford College on 11 April 2013. Mr Mu signed a Memorandum of Understanding with our Senior Director International, Mr Andrew Choo on collaboration between the two instituitions.

They were taken on a tour of our campus and also the students’ hostel in Ken I Damansara. They also visited Stamford College Malacca on Saturday, 13 April 2013

Principal of Qinhuangdao Experimental
High School, Mr Mu Dongbao exchanging
MOU with Senior Director International, 
Mr Andrew Choo

Mr Andrew Choo presenting a memento
to Foreign Affairs Director, Mr Jin Yumin

A Group photo