Friday, March 22, 2013

News from the Indian Cultural Society (ICS)

The Stamford Indian Cultural Society held their annual election on 22 March 2013 at the Auditorium in Stamford Jalan 223 to elect the new ICS committee members for year 2013/14. The event started off with a short speech by the Chief Adviser, Ms. Sarina Nair. After the short speech, the election committee members comprising Mr. Suresh Balasingam, Ms. Puvaneswary Kandasamy, and Ms. Maniyarasi conducted the election. Mr. Suresh who headed the election drive invited all the nominees onto the stage to introduce themselves to all the students present at the event. After the brief introduction of the nominees, the election was held and administered by the election committee members.

Lecturer-in-charge, Mr Suresh Balasingam
explaining the position of the council members

The following members were elected to head the Stamford Indian Cultural Society for year 2013/14:

1. President – Vimal Kumar
2. Vice-President (Jalan 223) – Sharrma Selvam
3. Vice-President (Jalan Barat) – Kamala Seerangam
4. Secretary – Vaesaline Muthukrishnan
5. Vice-Secretary – Nigel
6. Treasurer – Sunder Renganathan
7. Vice- Treasurer – Saarminie Krishnan

Exco members:

  • Ashwini Gobal (UEL- International Business)
  • Ramanan Maniam (UEL – International Business)
  • Diliban (UEL – Computer Network)
  • Geetha Krishnan (Diploma in IT)
  • Puganeshwaran (Diploma in IT)
  • Sivanesh (Diploma in IT)
  • Shankari Sundrasekaran (Diploma in IT)
  • Naveen Raj (Diploma in Media Communications)
  • Thanusha (Diploma in Corporate Administration)
  • Vikneswary Thangarasa (Foundation Studies in Business)
The newly elected President of the SC Indian

Cultural Society, Vimal Kumar and the Vice -
President, Sharrma giving their speeches

The newly elected committee members

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