Friday, March 15, 2013

World Consumer Rights Day 2013

March 15 is marked as the World Consumer Rights Day and it is celebrated all over the world. In Stamford College Malacca (SCM), the Diploma in Corporate Administration (DCA) Club took the opportunity to organise an event in conjunction with the World Consumer Rights Day. The aim is to create awareness and to educate our students on the rights of the consumers as well as other consumer related issues. It was held from 18 till 22 March 2013 with a few activities planned such as an essay writing competition, an exhibition and an educational talk by En. Tarmimi from the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operative and Consumerism who spoke on consumer rights and related legislations.

Students who were involved in the World 
Consumer Rights Day Exhibition

SCM’s presentation

En Tarmimi giving a talk on consumer rights and related legislation 

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